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- tending or able to change frequently or easily.

- able to do many different things; versatile.

The tide has turned.

The wait for adaptive compliance management software is over.

(the wait for our full website continues)

We call it the Environmental Compliance Online System, or proteän ECOSYSTEM

  • Monthly Walkthrough Mobile App

  • ATG Remote Monitoring

  • Alarm Management

  • Work Order Management

  • Critical Date Tracking

  • Compliance Testing Integration

  • NOV Tracking

  • Efile Cabinet

  • Inventory Management

Welcome Our Chief Product Officer

For the last decade, we have been listening to our customers to develop and evolve the proteän ECOSYSTEM

Clay Moore now brings 20+ years of industry-specific compliance software development experience to proteän.  We could not be more excited to share Clay's vision to continue to evolve and adapt the ECOSYSTEM to meet customers' expectations.   

Realize Your Vision

You are challenged to manage compliance while minimizing compliance costs.  You are expected to adapt to an ever-changing regulatory environment with a limited amount of resources.  We get it.  We can help. 

© 2023 by Protean Ventures, LLC

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